Executive Director Myeongchul Ahn travels to the North Korean embassy in Berlin

Naomi Conrad, “North Koreans in Berlin,” DW, 2015.09.23


“North Korea is one of the world’s most repressive, brutal regimes. But over the years, some have managed to escape its deadly iron fist. Naomi Conrad met two such defectors in Berlin.

A small group of protesters, clutching hand-written posters and a tiny microphone, gathered outside the bleak, gray building that houses the North Korean embassy in central Berlin on Wednesday afternoon. Cars and trucks thundered past, almost drowning out their shouts and chants for ‘reunification” and ‘free North Korea.'”

In September 2015, Myeongchul Ahn visited Germany to share information on North Korean human rights with the parliament and civil society in order to cooperate with the international community. The German media outlet Deutsche Welle covered Ahn’s advocacy activities in Berlin.